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Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Resolutions

With the mid-way point in the semester coming up next week, there are goals that I have to improve my Citizenship grade.  One thing thing I would like to do more is comment on my classmates' blogs.  Because I did not realize how to follow other blogs until about half an hour ago, I wasn't aware of what else my classmates were writing about.  Last week in class we watched YouTube digital stories that had been posted on Mara's blog.  I'm interested in seeing what else my classmates are posting on their blogs and if they can spark an idea in my mind for a blog of my own.  Another goal I have is to speak more in class.  Naturally, I become so interested in hearing what other have to say that I often become distracted from forming my own ideas.  Smaller groups are always better for me because I am more aware that my contribution is necessary and plays a larger role in the discussion.

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean, Lisa. Sometimes it's hard to come formulate a brilliant idea or thought to share with the class when you are impressed by what others are saying. I guess it is a good sign that we are surrounding ourselves with smart people!
